Professionals, freelancers, creative agencies, design studios increase sales by professionally and efficiently completing assignments and tasks requested by clients. TaskBeat helps our clients effectively sell services to manage project and task workflows. With a task-based workflow, companies complete projects faster for clients making fewer mistakes, while being able to charge clients only for actual hours worked, charging in proportion to all labor (changes, corrections) and materials (purchases, fuel) incurred. By tracking actual costs in detail, you can ensure that you will offer your clients the lowest rates for your services, while invoicing for all the tasks that make up the job. Thanks to the detailed organization of work in the task system, customers have an accurate view of what was completed, how long it took to complete each task, as well as what material costs were invested in the order.
TaskBeat is a simple social network-like system where employees can instantly create their own teams and workspaces. Within the workspaces, employees can securely exchange ideas and documents, and quickly conduct arrangements for various projects. The system creates a centralized, integrated and organized database of information and documents. The system provides smooth access to contracts, internal procedures, correspondence, etc., controls the circulation of documents, the status of process execution and improves customer service. TaskBeat also allows the inclusion of customers to track the progress and comment on completed orders, as well as precise billing to customers based on actual workload and costs incurred. With a task-based system, even one-person companies are seeing the benefits of implementation.
TaskBeat provides any organization with access to information on the progress of any matter and easy finding of arrangements and documents. TaskBeat keeps you in touch with your team, customers, suppliers and partners anytime, anywhere. TaskBeat merges information about work, tasks and assignments, while promoting open communication within the team. Users of TaskBeat most often approve the service for: saving time, eliminating errors, increasing efficiency, and maintaining closer relationships with employees, customers and partners.