Constantly updated
TaskBeat is constantly being developed and updated daily with new features and enhancements. All changes are made available to customers free of charge as part of their subscription, at the same time in both Polish and English language versions as part of an automatic update.
Custom extensions
TaskBeat can be extended according to agreed specifications and can import any data from other programs. TaskBeat saves a history of every change made to the data and allows reversal. It also guarantees users a flexible system of permissions.
Choosing a data center
TaskBeat stores its customers’ business data in several server centers, with the customer’s choice of server center. This provides the highest possible guarantee of data security, confidentiality and availability.
Standard technologies
TaskBeat is based on standard technologies, so it can be deployed in any Windows environment, from inexpensive workstations to high-performance servers – without the need for additional licenses, complex installation or server administration expertise. The use of standard Windows technology makes the solution cheaper to maintain than many popular open source solutions.
Convenient update
Installation of the software is done using a regular installer, which reduces the installation and administration time of the application, eliminating the need to involve people with knowledge of server administration. The minimum configuration set does not require the purchase of any additional licenses. Along with the minimum installation, free versions of Microsoft .NET, Microsoft IIS Express, Microsoft SQL Express are available for selection.