We know you use TaskBeat to organise your companies daily. We also know that the number one feature you love is the ability to find stuff quickly and easily. With... read more →
MiniProfiler is just a killer website optimiser as not only it tracks http requests but also finds spots to optimise your database queries, like finding similar sql queries per http... read more →
1. Compile the code, I mean it. Not bytecache (like use APC with PHP or DLL with VB) but really compile the whole thing to a native code to the... read more →
How do you make a project management application that handles thousands of work-streams likes projects, tasks and actions? May have failed creating a solution that handles that amount of data.... read more →
Recently there has been a lot of criticism of PHP in larger applications. Virtually anyone in the sphere is moving away from the language, some are stuck. Some others are... read more →
There's something to be said about the performance of the code. One of the computational challenges today is the CPU cost. One would say that the performance of computers has... read more →